Today was one of those I had nothing going on but have a thousand things to do days. I didn't want to work on those thousand things so I decided it would be a perfect day to play with pudding. I was feeling down until we did this and I took lots of pictures of these two cuties and it seriously brightened my whole day. It was fun to see them play together and make a mess (outside of course). Emery loves the camera and let me snap away (it's a girl thing). Teyven enjoyed getting his hands messy and wiping them on Emery.
Moroni, Candice, Teyven & Emery
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Emery had a Birthday!
Emery had her 1st Birthday on June 17th!
We love this little girl. She has been a huge blessing in our lives and we are happy to have her. She puts a big smile on all our faces when we see her. We Love You Emery! Thanks for a fun 1st year and lots more to come.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Memorial weekend
I really look forward to this weekend every year. It's almost the end of the school year and summer is right around the corner. So get ready get set and here we GO!
This Memorial weekend we started it off with a in and out trip to Payson, Utah to see the Payson Temple open house. It was a long day in the car but worth seeing that beautiful temple.
Sunday we enjoying going to the Lund cemetery walking around looking at the headstones before we got rainout. That is another thing I love about this weekend you usually have lot of rain.
Monday Moroni finished building our greenhouse and we worked in our yard. We planted grass in our backyard and it's coming in nicely but just needs a lot of love and care. So I've been picking up rocks to help it out.
So here I am at a close to this post and as I look back on the weekend I'm sad it went by so fast. Also I'm sad we didn't spend it playing more but that's what summers for right!?
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The 5th of May
Cinco de Mayo!
On May 2nd (I know we didn't have the party on May 5th) we threw a Cinco de Mayo party. It was so much fun. We had lots of yummy food and had two piñatas for the kids. I'm thinking we will have to make this a tradition.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I'm... Back...!
My last post was during last summer and now it's almost been a year since I have updated my blog. My sister-in-law Natasha reminded me today I need to update my blog and it's definitely time to update.
There has been so much that has happened. Right now Emery is almost 11 months old. She is crawling and starting walk holding on to furniture. This first year with her has flown by. Teyven is getting to be a handsome and a fun 3 year old. He loves to be helpful and be outside every day all day.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Summer update highlights
Great Grandma and Grandpa Ewell came to see Emery (these are my dad's parents).
Emery at 2 months!
Went to Idaho to see Great Grandma Jean (this is my moms mom).
Teyven loved playing in Great Grandma Jean's yard.
Cute picture of Emery and uncle Nefi.
Moroni's family joined us up in Idaho for the Labor Day weekend.
All of us (except for Moroni he is taking the picture) waiting for the Labor Day Parade to start in Blackfoot, Idaho.
Just pictures of my cute kids. Teyven loved having Emery on his bed with him.
These two make me one happy mom.
A quick update on what's going on with us. We moved to Lund, Nevada at the beginning of August. I love it there! My sister is a skip and a hop away so we love to get together with her and the kids to play. We get to see Moroni a lot more now especially since his work is literally out our back door. At the moment we have no internet (I'm update my blog at my moms house) and my cell service is pretty sketchy. I am slowly getting my home put together. Moroni really is enjoying his job working for Carter Ag. as one of their diesel mechanics. The farmers are having a great year which means my husband is having a great year working on lots of equipment. Life right now is pretty sweet for us. We have two beautiful healthy growing children and a home to live in and a good job. I really couldn't ask for more. The summer has flown by and I hope all of you have had a great summer.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
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