Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Day!

Sunday evening I was feeling sad about starting a new week. Moroni worked on Saturday so we only had Sunday to have him home (except for at church of course). Monday it was cold and so Teyven and I were stuck inside playing. I was telling Moroni I was thinking about having a play day on Tuesday and Thursday (usually I only have a play date once a week) with my friend here in Hutchinson to help the week go by faster and Teyven loves play dates as do I. Moroni told me it was supposed to snow 8 inches on Tuesday and be really cold so there went out that idea. We had hear that night the school district was canceling school for the next day due to the coming snow. Then Moroni got the call the college canceled all classes!!! I was so excited about Moroni not having to go to school the next day. Moroni and I were cracking up about the schools being canceled since in Nevada they never canceled school because of the snow. Well we soon found out why they cancel everything around here they don't plow the snow! We didn't bring a shovel to Kansas mostly because our apartment does snow removal (NOT) and it was one less thing to bring. Ok I have to give them a break they did shovel outside our apartment once today but since the wind is blowing it all up against our door Moroni busted out the broom to move the snow.
On that note school has been canceled for tomorrow too! I know two snow days! We are loving having Moroni around and are enjoying eating treats and staying warm inside :)  

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Sara said the same thing happened with Collin this week. I wish more of Eric's flights would get canceled due to weather! It always seems like his in the only one that isn't. I totally agree though! Play dates make the days go by a lot faster! I wish I had someone now that we moved to do it with!
